SID's Work

SID works on Global Health Justice with a focus on the global governance for health and the challenges to health rights associated with the climate emergency and globalization’s  processes of health financialization,  privatization, and digitalisation.

SID is co-chair and coordinating member of the independent CSO platform Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), which is a membership-based entity  created in Geneva in 2016 to provide a free space  for the global health civil society community to gather and discuss , share knowledge and interact with the health-related international institutions in Geneva (WHO, ILO, HRC, WTO).  G2H2  facilitates and promotes  initiatives to advance a proactive CSO  advocacy agenda  for  democratic and just global health governance and Health for All. 

Latest News, Resources, and Events

Webinar: The Vaccine of Biodiversity

The Virus of IP Monopoly Capitalism