In the letter Magdalena Ackermann, Policy and Advocacy officer, discusses the unique inclusivity of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) within the UN system. It emphasizes the active involvement of civil society and Indigenous Peoples, who have speaking slots on par with CFS Member States. Through the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSIPM), these groups contribute to decision-making and engage in direct negotiations with other participants and Member States. Since its 2009 reform, the CFS prioritizes listening to those affected by hunger, acknowledging the vital role of social movements and civil society in advocating for the right to adequate food. The CFS operates in an inclusive format where Member States directly hear the experiences and challenges faced by food producers and consumers, aiding in the formulation of recommendations on food security and nutrition. The resulting documents are voluntary but gain legitimacy through endorsement, fostering ownership among participants at national and regional levels.

Original link here: The UN Committee on World Food Security: An opportunity to counter the ongoing corporate capture of FAO | World Nutrition (


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